April 9, 2015

Easy, Beautiful Plants for Your Apartment

Good news, my surgery went well! Thanks for all the sweet texts and messages over the last couple days, I really appreciate them. For those who don't know, I had surgery to correct a very crooked big toe (not really a bunion though), one that I had fixed back in High School, but reverted a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to get it taken care of sooner rather than later. I can't really complain because I get to spend a little time relaxing at home with my dog and job hunting on the couch. In addition to the sweet messages, my best friend since forever sent me a beautiful orchid as a get well present because she knows how much I love fresh flowers. It was so unexpected and sweet and I am so blessed to have a wonderful friend like her.
This beautiful plant got me thinking about having live plants in an apartment. I love fresh flowers, but I love the idea of having live plants in my apartment. In fact, if I wasn't moving out so soon, I'd definitely start a succulent terrarium garden. Here are some ideas for plants to keep in your apartment. And not just any plant, plants that are easy to keep alive. You don't have to water these constantly or trim them back, just let them get a little sun and some nutrients. Think about it this way, it is definitely a better investment to get a plant you can keep alive than have cut flowers with a 1-2 week lifespan.
One: Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis Orchid)
This is the beautiful plant that Cat sent me. I have never had an orchid before so I definitely had to lookup the instructions for how to care for it, but I am so excited to have this little guy in my apartment. Also, the pink color is perfect for my room colors! You can get these plants at any local nursery or order one online.

Two: Boxwood Plant
Everyone loves a little green in their life. These are perfect if you live in a city where you aren;t around greenery as much as you used to be. If I somehow end up in NYC after graduation, I will definitely be investing in a little greenery. Design Darling actually carries these in her boutique and they are so easy to take care of!

Three: Succulent Garden
You can just get a couple of these little guys and pot them, but how fun would it be to make one of those cute terrariums for them. I love the way these look and again, pretty low maintenance. You can buy them pre-made, or you can make one yourself. I was actually going to include a link to the Southern Living article about making one of these in tomorrow's Friday Five, but it is perfect for today. Plus, tomorrow's Friday Five is going to be themed and I am really excited about it...really excited.

Four: Aloe Plant
This plant works two-fold, especially this time of year. It's an easy to care for green plant, and it will definitely help with those sunburns this summer. The fresh aloe from an aloe plant is the best thing you can put on your skin after a burn, so why not keep a few of these guys around.

What is your favorite plant to keep around?


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