March 3, 2015

Where'd the Blog Go?

You may notice that there are only a couple of posts here now. I know about this, in fact, I am the person who moved all the old blog posts. It was all a part of the plan to reinvigorate the blog in the new year, but I never got around to this part of the move. I just felt like a clean start was the best way to really mark the beginning of me taking the blog more seriously. As school is winding down and I am on the job hunt, I had to reevaluate the importance of the blog. I mean, I love being on here and blogging, but was that enough to keep me blogging as I have a bunch of other things going on in my life? The answer I came up with was yes. I am going to keep blogging and I am going to take it more seriously now. I never thought the blog was a joke, in fact it has been a significant part of my college journey, but with the upcoming chapter of employment (hopefully) in my life, I felt like the blog deserved a new chapter. All the old posts are on a separate URL now that directs you to the Sugar Snap Pearls Archive. All my old posts are searchable and accessible, but only though that link. Thank you for all your support and readership over the last couple of years. I can't wait for this next chapter of Sugar Snap Pearls and I am really, really excited about a couple of blog posts that I have coming up in the next week or so!


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